Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wasabi Peas

SNACK TIME!  I love me some wasabi peas for a snack.  Specifically, the Trader Joes brand is the most delicious that I have tried.  Now, some people love these and some people hate them.  My husband can't stand them but that's fine by me because that means he won't eat my snack-- it's all for me!    I have made the mistake of putting too many of them in my mouth at the same time and ended up with a fiery nose and tears pouring down my face, but that was my fault for not eating them slowly and one by one.  I like to bring these to the movie theater with me so I won't buy popcorn.  Often times I still buy the popcorn but whatever, Can't blame me for "trying".  


StephanieCS said...

it's probably good to sprinkle them in WITH your popcorn!

NC said...

steph-- you are brilliant.

audrey said...

I love love these and no one in my family eats them so I get them all to myself!!