Saturday, October 18, 2008

Clinton Kelly

Clinton Kelly from TLC's What Not To Wear is FABULOUS!  SO fabulous that he has a new book out called "Freaking Fabulous".  I suggest you thumb thru it, it has some of the best fashion tips ever.  Not only fashion but just tips in life... how to decorate, eat, behave and just "be".  I don't want to gloat or anything here but I did get to meet him in person this past Friday night and he told me my jacket was great.  I started sweating.  I then posed for a photo of him where I look like an amazon next to his body but that's my own personal issue.  I want him to move in with me.  I have 2 extra bedrooms, he can have both of them and I'll cook his dinner every night.  I wonder if he would agree to this?  


Tracy said...

I definitely want his book! He IS freakin' fabulous. And so are YOU! :)

StephanieCS said...

that is so cool that you met him! love him! I just ordered the book - can't wait!

NC said...

oh good! I am glad you ordered the book, it's hilarious!